New Jersey DWI Attorney
Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer in Hamilton, NJ Defends Clients Accused of Driving Under the Influence in Mercer County, Middlesex County, Ocean County, and Throughout NJ
If you have been arrested on DUI/DWI charges in New Jersey, you may feel overwhelmed and like you are in over your head. The potential consequences may even seem daunting – loss of your driver’s license, jail time, and severe financial penalties. However, you are not powerless in this process. Choosing an experienced and knowledgeable New Jersey DWI Attorney is an important first step in receiving guidance through these uncertain times.
If you or a loved one have been charged with a DUI/DWI, the qualified legal team at Hartman Duff, LLC are here to help. We understand that conviction for a DUI/DWI is a serious matter. We value your individual needs and interests, and we are committed to fighting for your rights. Regardless of the details of your arrest, our experienced team will formulate and administer the strongest possible defense strategy in your case.
Get Free Advice From An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 609-853-5579 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.
*Free consultation not available for family or divorce matters.
Do you live in Mercer County, Burlington County, Somerset County, Middlesex County, or somewhere else in New Jersey? Are you facing DUI or DWI charges? If so, let the legal team at Hartman Duff, LLC advocate on your behalf. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the details of your case.
Types of DUI Cases Our New Jersey DWI Attorney Handle
Understandably, it is a confusing time for anyone after being charged with a DUI. You are not alone in this experience. Our New Jersey DWI Attorney have experience in handling these types of charges and are trusted allies during this difficult time. In New Jersey, we handle several types of DUI/DWI cases, including:
- First offense DUI
- Second offense DUI
- Third offense DUI
- Breathalyzer refusal
- DUI blood tests
- Marijuana DUI
- And much more
Defense Strategies for Your DUI/DWI Defense
When charged with any DUI/DWI, there are various legal strategies to employ to properly defend you in these matters. At Hartman Duff, LLC, our qualified New Jersey DWI Attorney have the experience and resources to research and develop a strong defense tailored to serving your particular legal needs. Some common examples of defense strategies include:
- Constitutional violations: Our lawyers will investigate to determine whether the circumstances by which the police made their stop, whether the police had probable cause for the traffic stop, probable cause to require sobriety testing, and whether your rights were violated on arrest or questioning.
- Alcotest errors: The Alcotest breathalyzer is a nuanced piece of equipment that must be properly maintained and used. If the police failed to properly calibrate the machine or were not trained to administer the test properly, we may be able to have the BAC reading excluded from evidence.
- Field sobriety testing errors: Law enforcement is required to administer field sobriety testing in accordance with the specified protocol. Errors in field sobriety testing can also diminish the state’s case against you.
Our New Jersey DWI Attorney will mount a strong defense on your behalf. In New Jersey, it is important to have an aggressive defense attorney protecting your rights. Our lawyers will advocate on your behalf and investigate all corners of your case. Contact us today for a free consultation.
What Are The DUI Laws in New Jersey?
Under New Jersey Statute 39:4-50, a driver containing a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or greater can be charged with DWI/DUI. The potential penalty varies and is dependent on a number of factors, including if it’s a first offense or repeat offense, other traffic convictions, the BAC level, and circumstances that led to the charge.
Drunk driving, known as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI)—is one of the most serious traffic offenses for drivers in New Jersey. In addition to possible jail time, a conviction for drunk driving can impact insurance rates, employment, and many other aspects of a person’s life. A person under the age of 21 years old may be convicted of a DWI with any detectable amount of alcohol in his or her blood while driving behind the wheel of a car.
A DWI conviction can remain on your permanent record for future employers, loan applications, college administration officers, and others through the course of a background check. For these reasons, it is critically important to have a qualified lawyer handle your defense with zeal and care. Our attorneys have experience in handling the unique issues that arise in connection with potential DUI/DWI charges. At Hartman Duff, LLC our New Jersey DWI Attorney has dealt with it all, and we are ready to help you. Contact us today.
Facing Criminal Charges in NJ And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened. – Call 609-853-5579 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.
*Free consultation not available for family or divorce matters.
Contact the Experienced New Jersey DWI Attorney at Hartman Duff, LLC Today

If you are facing DUI/DWI charges, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our dedicated New Jersey DWI Attorney serves Mercer County, Burlington County, Somerset County, Middlesex County, and the rest of New Jersey. Act quickly to allow yourself enough time to look to properly evaluate all of your options. Contact us today.
Frequently Asked Questions about DUI/DWI in New Jersey
We do. The Hartman Duff, LLC legal team has experience in all areas of DUI/DWI defense matters. We negotiate in our client’s best interests and fight for your legal rights. If you have a question about DUI/DWI and are facing these charges in New Jersey, contact us today.
In New Jersey, under the letter of the law, a DUI/DWI is a traffic offense and is one of the only traffic offenses where the potential penalty is jail time. Notwithstanding this technicality, a DUI/DWI has serious consequences for you and your family. Which is why we approach each case with the utmost care and concern. The Hartman Duff, LLC legal team has the expertise and resources to represent you if you are facing DUI/DWI charges.
Unfortunately, refusing to take a breathalyzer test can have serious consequences and is treated as a severe criminal offense. It can include a license suspension and steep penalties. Furthermore, the police can charge you for a DUI/DWI through observation on the scene, as the Alcotest reading is not needed. It is important to hire an experienced lawyer to help navigate the uncertainty of DUI/DWI charges. Hartman Duff, LLC is your trusted resource in these matters. Contact us today.